
  • Why brings legs calves at night

    Often people in a dream experience a condition where they reduce their calves. In a sleeping body, the body is relaxed, muscle tissue reduces activity, and lactic acid, which accumulates in the calves of the muscles, which contributes to the appearance of seizures. An unpleasant phenomenon that manifests itself more often than other convulsions is called krampi. They are usually accompanied by pain and numbness of the calf muscle, which interferes with restful sleep. ...
  • Heartburn - Causes and Consequences

    An unpleasant sensation, accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest, is familiar to many. This is heartburn. In the article, we will talk about this unpleasant phenomenon, determine the causes and consequences, consider the methods of struggle and pay attention to the complications that appear with inaction. What is heartburn? According to doctors, heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest, bringing great discomfort. ...
  • Where it is, how it hurts and how to treat the pancreas

    In this review article, we will consider where the pancreas is located and how it hurts, describe the main diseases of the pancreas, provide recommendations on the use of medical devices and treatment of the pancreas at home with folk remedies. The pancreas performs the most important functions in the human body, functioning in close interconnection with the digestive organs, and the slightest failure in its work will lead to negative changes in the harmonious process. ...
  • How to quickly and effectively clean your intestines at home

    How to quickly and effectively clean the intestines at home without harming your health? How to avoid side effects, what prevention methods exist and how to clean without an enema? The answers to these questions will be considered in the article. According to the results of scientific research, the source of more than 50% of gastrointestinal diseases is the slagged colon. ...
  • Why legs swell in women and what to do

    Many women are familiar with the problem when in the morning the legs look great, and in the evening there is a feeling of discomfort, tiredness in the legs and a swollen unattractive look. Such symptoms can be harbingers of serious illness. Therefore, having noticed that the legs have changed their appearance, rather, figure out why the legs swell in women and decide what to do. ...
  • Milk thistle meal - benefits and harms, instruction and use

    Milk thistle is a wild plant of the aster family with large lilac flowers and leaves with white spots. Milk thistle was valued as a useful plant by our ancestors. They knew about the indications and contraindications for the use of milk thistle meal. In ancient times, magical properties were attributed to him, it received many names and legends. ...
  • How to get out of hard drinking at home

    If a person is faced with the problem of overcoming binge, it is necessary to seek help from specialists. Consider proven recommendations that will help you learn how to get out of hard drinking at home without the help of a doctor. To get out of binge without the help of doctors, it will take a lot of effort. In addition, there are several factors that can affect the success of the procedure. ...
  • Chickenpox in adults: symptoms, treatment, incubation period

    Chickenpox is an infectious disease considered to be childhood. Sometimes this contagious disease appears in adults. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected or sick person. Consider chickenpox in adults, symptoms, treatment, and the incubation period. To get chickenpox virus, staying with a sick person in the same room is enough. ...
  • Corn stigmas: healing properties, harm, recipes

    Corn stigmas have been used to treat inflammation, kidneys and other diseases since time immemorial. Today, this herbal medicine is used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic and spasmodic. The article has the medicinal properties and contraindications of corn stigmas. ...
  • How and how to treat laryngitis in children at home

    In children, the immune system is not fully formed, so they often have infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Usually the problem is faced by kids who just went to a preschool. In the article, we will consider how and how to treat laryngitis in children at home. Regular viral diseases weaken local protection, resulting in recurrent or chronic pathologies. ...
  • Flaxseed - benefits and harms, how to take with ulcers and diabetes

    Flax is a herbaceous plant that grows to a meter high. Blue flowers with five petals crowning the elastic stem bloom only in the sun. Later, in the place of flowers, seed boxes appear, from which they make a useful product - linseed oil. Consider flax seed, beneficial properties and contraindications, the benefits and harms of decoctions. ...
  • How to get rid of heartburn at home

    Many people consider heartburn to be just an unpleasant sensation behind the sternum and in the oral cavity, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. The presence of a symptom indicates the ingestion of acidic contents of the stomach into the pharynx and esophagus. It is important to know how to get rid of heartburn at home quickly. If the phenomenon recurs often, an inflammatory process develops in the upper digestive tract. ...
  • How to improve memory and attention in adults - drugs, exercises, ways

    Let's talk about how to improve memory and attention in adults at home. I think many people notice that they do not remember information, phone numbers, dates of birth of relatives or names of acquaintances poorly. Often, memory fails at the wrong moment. Human memory is characterized by unlimited volume. ...
  • The benefits and harms of horseradish for health

    Horseradish is useful for men, women and children. The leaves and root of the plant are used internally and externally. Diseases are cured, the body heals. The benefits and harms of horseradish for the health of the body, which medicines to prepare for children, horseradish contraindications, you will learn from this article. Health benefits of the root and leaves of horseradish The plant has long been used to treat all sorts of ailments due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. ...
  • Pearl barley - benefits and harms, what kind of cereal, folk recipes

    Barley contains a lot of useful substances, but is it possible to use this product for children, sick people and women during pregnancy? It is important to recognize the harm and benefits of pearl barley to the body. The inclusion of barley dishes in the diet is necessary to normalize digestion, heart function. The condition of the body improves due to the intake of a sufficient number of trace elements and vitamins. ...
  • Calendula - the benefits and harms, the use and folk recipes

    Calendula, or marigolds, are a widely used medicinal raw material. A huge range of natural organic compounds in its flowers, allows you to use drugs based on marigolds in a variety of cases: from the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases to the treatment of burns. In the article I will consider in detail the useful properties and contraindications of calendula. ...
  • Yarrow - benefit, harm, traditional medicine

    Yarrow is a widespread herb with a unique set of healing properties. In the people it is called a tree, a bloodsucker, a walker. The topic of conversation will be yarrow - useful properties and contraindications. Contrary to the name, the plant has a small number of lanceolate leaves, which are strongly dissected. ...
  • Sesame oil - benefits and harms, instructions, treatment, recipes

    People have long used sesame seeds (sesame seeds) to make butter. The first information about sesame was discovered in the papyrus of Erbes. The ancient scroll contains a list of spices and herbs used by man since time immemorial. Avicenna was also engaged in the study of the healing properties of plant seeds. I will consider in detail the beneficial properties, use and contraindications of sesame oil. ...
  • Useful properties of pomegranate for the body

    Residents of the East referred to as pomegranate king of fruits. The health benefits of pomegranate for humanity have long been studied. In ancient times, it was believed that fruits support the body and kindle true love in the soul. Over time, scientists have proven that an exotic treat strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight many diseases. ...
  • Chamomile grass - medicinal properties and contraindications

    Of the whole variety of medicinal plants, chamomile stands out, from which healers from time immemorial have made medicinal potions. As you might guess, the topic of conversation will be chamomile grass and its medicinal properties and contraindications for women and children. The flowers of the plant owe a pleasant aroma to oil, which is used in medicine and cosmetology. ...