
  • Ambrosia - when it blooms, benefits and harms

    Children and adults are looking forward to spring and summer. And now the cold days are replaced by warm days. The sun's rays become hotter, birds singing is heard, the grass begins to turn green, the first flowers appear. Unfortunately, this time is not pleasant and harmless for everyone. Along with summer days comes an allergy that is caused by pollen from plants. ...
  • How to clean your kidneys at home

    The kidneys are the filter of the human body! They provide the process of removing harmful substances, ensuring the functioning of internal organs and systems. With a high content of slag, the kidneys are disturbed, stones form. As a result, an obstruction of the ureter is diagnosed. To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to carry out a systematic cleaning of the excretory system. ...
  • How to clean your ears properly in adults and children

    Personal hygiene for every person comes first. It is important to keep your body and ears clean - no exception. At first glance, cleaning the external auditory canals is simple. Ears should be treated regularly, but being careful not to harm the middle ear. Details on how to properly clean your ears at home, I will describe in this article. ...
  • How to cleanse the body of alcohol quickly and effectively

    Alcoholic beverages are present in the lives of many people. Some people use them all the time, others only on holidays. During the feast, it is difficult to keep track of the number of glasses taken. Often this ends with intoxication of the body. There are many ways to relieve a hangover syndrome and cleanse the body of alcohol. ...
  • How to clean blood at home

    Blood supplies the internal organs with vital oxygen, which, along with beneficial elements and vitamins, is distributed throughout the body. Blood quality is a major factor that affects health. The most famous and affordable way to improve the composition of the blood is cleansing at home. ...
  • How to clean lymph at home

    The human lymphatic system is closely connected with the circulatory system, supplementing it and interacting with it. The fluid circulating in the lymphatic vessels is called lymph. The movement is slow, with little pressure. Lymph carries out important functions: it enriches tissue fluid with immune cells, transports into the bloodstream, and participates in metabolic processes. ...
  • Intestinal cleansing: procedure, preparation rules, types of cleaning

    Gastrointestinal cleansing is a useful procedure, which is desirable to be carried out once every 6 months. Slagging of the organ affects the general condition of the body. Neglecting cleansing, we increase the likelihood of developing diseases. For this reason, many are interested in how to cleanse the stomach of toxins and toxins on their own. ...
  • Simple Ways to Get Rid of Slag and Toxins

    Improper lifestyle, environmental pollution, neglect of recommendations for a healthy diet - all this adversely affects health. It is possible to reduce the influence of negative factors on the body at home, if you start a cleaning program. The methods are different - from grandmother's recipes to the use of innovative methods. ...
  • How to clean the vessels at home

    In the modern world, a person lives at a frantic pace - family worries, a tense atmosphere at work. This directly affects health, well-being, level and quality of life. Bad ecology, stress, cause both physical pain and psychological discomfort. Students who decide to devote their lives to medicine are taught that all health problems are nerves. ...
  • How to clear karma and mind

    When a mountain of troubles falls over a person, and not a single thing goes smoothly, he asks questions: what happened, maybe someone jinxed why I should suffer and suffer. Thus comes the understanding of higher justice. A person has to pay for unseemly deeds and thoughts. ...
  • How to cleanse the lungs after smoking - folk and medical ways

    Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is people's favorite pastime. “I’ll go and have a smoke” - this phrase became an occasion to interrupt work, a necessary waste of money and not only. However, it is always time to pay the bills. In the process of smoking, tar and nicotine enter the body, which, together with other harmful substances, can cause irreparable harm to health. ...
  • How to clean the liver and gall bladder

    The liver is one of the large organs of the human body, which, performing a disinfecting and protective function, cleanses the blood of toxins and prevents them from entering the bloodstream. Products after filtration enter the gall bladder. Participating in digestion, blood circulation, metabolism, liver cells are saturated with harmful substances, which leads to impaired functions in the body. ...
  • How to eat in order to lose weight

    Not only in our country, but around the world, a huge number of people suffer from obesity. Even if the weight does not exceed the centner, many have a rounded abdomen and there is a desire to get rid of it. But not so simple. Excess weight accumulates for many reasons: various hereditary diseases, diet, lifestyle, features and preferences in the diet, the amount of food absorbed, the frequency of intake, and so on. ...
  • How to get rid of foot odor at home

    The cause of the smell is excessive sweating. The foot is inhabited by tens of thousands of microorganisms, for which the epidermis is a place of life and development. There are about 20 thousand sweat glands there, emitting more than 200 milliliters of sweat per day. Under normal conditions, it should evaporate and not stench. ...
  • What are pumpkin seeds good for men

    Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are a unique product. Pumpkin is not only tasty, but also contains a whole category of vitamins: B 1 and B 2, sucrose, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus and much more. One pumpkin replaces the standard vitamin complex. Useful vitamins and minerals can be found in almost any fruit, vegetables or berries. ...
  • What are pumpkin seeds useful for women and children

    Fruits, vegetables and berries contain vitamins and minerals that are well perceived by the body, supporting immunity. Particular attention should be paid to pumpkin seeds and juice, which contain a significant amount of the necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids and other beneficial substances. ...
  • How to get rid of snoring in a dream man and woman

    Snoring is a common occurrence among men and women. Almost a third of the world's adult population suffers from it. Snoring becomes an obstacle to the rash for the whole family, even for the snoring himself, if he is repeatedly woken up due to the loud sounds that he makes. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of snoring at home. ...
  • The benefits and harms of different types of beans

    Not a single good housewife, who cares about the health of loved ones, can do without beans. Beans are the most valuable source of vitamins, microelements, fiber and vegetable protein; they are characterized by low calorie content, which makes them indispensable for those who are losing weight and are eager to eat right. Beans fit perfectly into salads, side dishes and soups recipes. ...
  • Symptoms and treatment of pancreatitis in adults

    The pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which includes substances that break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These elements begin to work when they enter the duodenum. If they began to function in the pancreas, this leads to damage to its tissues and the appearance of pancreatitis. ...
  • Pancreatic pancreatitis diet

    Following the strictest diet for pancreatic pancreatitis is the key to successful treatment and a speedy recovery. The patient's diet consists of wholesome and sparing food. There is no place for alcohol, salty, spicy, fatty and fried foods in it. A neglect of the doctor’s recommendations is fraught with consequences and complications. ...