Diet of a woman during lactation: is it possible to eat radish with breastfeeding? The effect of vegetables on mom and baby

During lactation, it is important for a woman to monitor her diet. This is due to the fact that some foods negatively affect the production of breast milk, and can also trigger an allergic reaction or digestive disturbance in a newborn.

Recently born baby is just starting to get used to new conditions, so the food familiar to an adult can harm him.

Why does the question of a ban arise?

The radish contains a lot of fiber, which can lead to increased gas formation both mom and her baby. The bitter taste of the vegetable is due to the content of mustard oil. This component can give breast milk an unpleasant aftertaste. The younger the newborn, the greater the risk that he will refuse to take breasts.

The radish contains a lot of vitamin C. If the daily intake is exceeded, the child may experience diathesis or an allergic reaction.

Is it possible to eat radishes for hepatitis B or not?

In the first month

It is not recommended to include a vegetable in your diet immediately after birth. Newborn babies are very sensitive to the taste of milk, and are also prone to colic and allergies.

In subsequent periods

Ideally, radishes can begin to be consumed after three months of lactation. During this period, it is usually found out whether the child has a tendency to allergies and how sharply he reacts to the introduction of new products. If the child is healthy, it is allowed to eat half a small vegetable a day, while observing the health of the crumbs.

Vegetable preparation and when to eat for the first time?

The vegetable must be washed and soaked in clean cool water for 15-20 minutes. This will reduce bitterness. Tops should be cut with the top - in this part of the radish, the concentration of nitrates reaches a maximum.

If you do not want to soak the vegetable, you need to remove the peel from it, cut into circles, sprinkle with a small amount of salt and leave for 10 minutes. After that, slightly squeeze the radish juice.

The vegetable should be fresh, crispy, without mold and dark spots. Preference should be given to farm radishes, ripened in spring and summer and not containing a large amount of nitrates.

The first time you can eat radish during breakfast. After that, you should wait a couple of days. If the child’s well-being has not worsened, you can start to prepare a salad with the addition of 2-3 medium-sized radishes twice a week. If there are at least slight manifestations of an allergic reaction, the use of the vegetable will have to be postponed until the baby turns six months old.

Effect of the product on breastfeeding

Per woman

20 g of radish contains the daily norm of vitamin C. In addition, the vegetable contains many B vitamins that improve the condition of hair, nails and skin, as well as normalize the general condition of a woman.

Radish allows you to:

  • relieve puffiness;
  • stabilize the brain;
  • to establish the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
In combination with a balanced diet, the vegetable helps to lose extra pounds and get into shape as soon as possible after childbirth.

Fiber-rich radish salad:

  1. effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;
  2. invigorates and improves mood.

In addition, radish improves the quality of breast milk.

Per child

In a baby, a vegetable can cause both a positive and a negative reaction. Indigestible fiber can cause discomfort in the intestines, and a large amount of vitamin C often causes diathesis. In addition, not every baby will like the bitter smack of breast milk.

On the other hand, the rich chemical composition of the vegetable has a positive effect on the growth and development of crumbs:

  • folic acid stimulates brain activity and normalizes blood circulation;
  • vitamin c strengthens the immune system;
  • magnesium, sodium and potassium support the functioning of the nervous system and provide the body tissues with oxygen.

But it is possible to feel all this benefit only if the body of the crumbs well assimilates the product.

How to enter the diet: step by step instructions

Experts do not prohibit the use of vegetables during lactation, but advised not to forget about precautions. Many women wonder: how to gradually introduce radishes into your diet so as not to harm the baby? It is recommended to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Start with half the medium vegetable or one small one.
  2. Wait 2-3 days to make sure that the baby is not allergic to the new product. It is important to understand that a negative reaction can occur immediately or in three days.In order not to get confused, it is recommended to keep a food diary. In this case, having noticed an allergy, it will be possible to check your notes and understand what food should be removed from the menu.
  3. If the baby feels well, it is allowed to add another 20-30 g of radish to your salad.
  4. After a month, you can start eating a vegetable twice a week for 2-3 pcs., Combining it with tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. Low-fat sour cream, corn or olive oil are good for refueling.

When to Stop Using: Symptoms in Newborns

You should immediately stop using radishes if the baby has at least one of these symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • diathesis - a red rash covering the chin and cheeks;
  • allergy - rashes, spots or crusts on the skin;
  • refusal to eat, especially if it is noticeable that the baby is hungry;
  • irritability, moods.

In each of these cases, cooking vegetables should be delayed.

A nursing mother who is trying to include as many fresh vegetables rich in vitamins as possible in her diet should remember that radishes can make breast milk taste unpleasant, and also cause a number of unpleasant reactions in the baby. Vegetables should be added to your menu carefully, not earlier than 3-6 months after giving birth.

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