When to plant radish seeds in open ground, greenhouse and at home? How to care?

Radish has great benefits for growing. It enhances immunity, improves metabolism and is a cure for many diseases.

Both root crops and young radish foliage are consumed, adding it to various salads and soups. Radish root vegetables are consumed raw, boiled and fried. In this article you can find the answer to the question: how to plant a radish in order to get a big crop? And also learn about its types and features of cultivation.

Features of sowing in open ground various types of vegetables

Radish is of different types:

  • black
  • green
  • red;
  • white.

Each needs its own approach, therefore, before planting, it is recommended to study the features of growing all types. Here are general guidelines for landing.


  1. The root crop in the process of growing slightly swing. So the extra roots will not appear, and the main root will take on all the nutrition. And the fruit itself will be large and juicy.
  2. So that the black radish does not start the arrow, it is planted after freezing, and also maintain soil moisture throughout the cultivation.
  3. Do not land in places where cruciferous crops grew. Common diseases and pests will cause great damage to your crop.
  4. Black radish is not planted with frequent furrows, so the formation of extra arrows can be prevented.
  5. If there is not enough land for planting, you can sow the radish to other vegetables.


  1. For a good crop, it is better to plant on neutral or light soils.
  2. So that the fruits do not lose their taste and accumulate nitrogen, the soil is applied immediately under the seeds, and not under the radish itself.
  3. When digging the ground, about 30 g of fertilizer is applied per meter of soil. Dig green radish deep, 25-30 cm.
  4. Before planting radish seeds in open ground, they should be sorted and soaked, since dry seeds sprout longer.
  5. The best growing temperature is 20 degrees.


  1. For a good harvest and growth, the soil should be moist and rich in humus.
  2. It is recommended to grow in places where strawberries used to grow, so the plant will receive a lot of nutrients.
  3. Fresh seeds should be brown.
  4. Abundant moisture is required, carefully watered about once a week (10 liters per square meter).
  5. Seeds are planted with nests, leaving 15 cm between them. A couple of days after germination, the plant is thinned and only the strongest fruits are left.


  1. Seeds are planted in warm and moistened soil, tentatively in the second half of May.
  2. Landing should not be deep, just two centimeters is enough.
  3. For productivity and tasty fruits, it is recommended to soak and germinate the seeds.
  4. To avoid shooters, the plant is grown in a dark place.
  5. They plant seeds every three centimeters.

Where and for how much can I buy seeds?

The purchase of seeds can be made both in specialized stores of the city, and through the Internet. It is most profitable to buy seeds in bulk. So you save a lot of money. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg prices range from 1050 p. up to 1900 p. for 1 kg. seed. And the average cost of a standard pack of 2 g - 15 rubles.

The price also largely depends on:

  • the number of seeds in a pack;
  • manufacturer;
  • varieties of plants.

Carefully read the prices before buying seeds. The same seeds may cost differently depending on the region and the store in which you buy them.

When to plant and how to care: a step-by-step instruction

There are two different ways to plant a radish in open ground:

  • reckless;
  • seedlings.

Let's talk in more detail about each method of sowing and the conditions for growing a large crop.

How to sow?

Seed sorting

A prerequisite for a good harvest are high-quality and well-selected seeds. It’s important to sort through all the seeds before sowing.. Divide them by size and identify defects. Selected and healthy seeds are less prone to shooting and disease, and the yield is always large and tasty.

Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the radish seeds in a weak solution of manganese or salt during the day.

Soil and place selection

For seedlings to appear quickly, the place must be on the sunny side and protected from the wind. Ideally, plant a radish on the south or southeast side. It is important to carefully prepare the landing site in advance, choosing the right soil. The taste of vegetables and productivity, as well as susceptibility to diseases, depend on the soil.

First of all, the soil should be:

  • loose;
  • loamy or sandy;
  • rich in humus;
  • with neutral acidity.

The next step is preplanting. It is necessary to cultivate the soil and make sure that it is suitable for sowing. Soil treatment includes:

  • digging, weeding from weeds;
  • liming of acidic soil;
  • adding sand and peat if the soil contains a lot of clay;
  • introduction of nitrogen, potassium - phosphorus fertilizers and compost.


The correct sowing algorithm will help to avoid the difficulties of cultivation and achieve maximum yield. An approximate scheme for sowing radish:

  1. make furrows up to 2 cm deep;
  2. leave about 35 cm between rows for loosening;
  3. spread into the furrows of 3 seeds at a distance of 8 cm between the nests;
  4. sprinkle and compact the furrows with earth;
  5. check the soil for moisture, water if necessary.

At the end of the first week, you will already be able to notice the first shoots.

For the convenience of planting, some gardeners use egg cells. Such seedlings do not need to weed, thin out or loosen. The cartridges are well pressed into the ground, put a seed in each hole and covered with soil. The main thing is regular watering.


Do not over-moisten the soil, radish likes moderate moisture. In rainy weather, daily straits in the morning or in the evening are enough, in dry weather, watering twice a day. Mulching the plot will help to maintain soil moisture longer and reduce watering.

How to care?

It is necessary to regularly thin out, weed and feed the beds:

  • top dressing about 2-3 times for the entire growing season;
  • for early ripening varieties, use nitrogen-containing fertilizers, approximately 1-2 times during the appearance of cotyledon leaves;
  • for later varieties, use mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus;
  • stop feeding 3 weeks before the expected harvest;
  • from organic top dressing, humus, compost, wood ash are suitable.
Manure is not used as top dressing; it has a bad effect on the growth and quality of fruits.


This landing method is not suitable for all species. After the transplant, the plant may fade, become sick or die. You should choose varieties with an oval-shaped root, for example, daikon.

Growing Scheme:

  1. For seeds, prepare disposable cups with prepared soil. The soil should be loose and contain organic fertilizers.
  2. To deepen the seeds during planting into the ground by 1.5 cm.
  3. Cover the cups with a transparent film and put on the windowsill from the sunny side.
  4. Spray future seedlings daily through a spray bottle.
  5. As soon as 3 or more full leaves have formed, seedlings should be planted in open ground.
  6. Planting is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of 20-25 cm between plants.

What time is it to plant in a greenhouse?

To obtain the early harvests of this crop, greenhouse cultivation is used. If the harvest is planned for spring, then planting seeds in open ground and taking care of seedlings should be done from December to February, if for the summer - in early April.

The most suitable varieties for greenhouse conditions:

  • "Camelot".
  • "Deno."
  • "Corsair".
  • "Runder Weiser."

Varieties such as Carmen and Rubin are recommended to be grown in open ground. In a greenhouse or greenhouse, root crops will be tasteless, and the plant will start to shoot arrows.

To achieve abundant growth of root crops, the soil in the greenhouse is heated to 15 degrees in cold weather. A temperature below -3 degrees increases the growing time. In summer, the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated, in winter - heated. They take care of the soil in the same way as in the open ground: top dressing, timely watering and thinning.

How to plant at home?

Some gardeners prefer to grow radish at home.. Consider how to do this:

  1. Choose a place to grow, it can be a windowsill or a glazed balcony.
  2. Prepare a deep container, soil, prepare fertilizers.
  3. Sow the seeds into the ground to a depth of 1 cm.
  4. Maintain a suitable room temperature, about 15-17 degrees.
  5. In winter, additionally illuminate the plants.
  6. Follow all basic radish care requirements.

Possible problems and difficulties

Various diseases, pests or improper care of the plant can interfere with a successful harvest and growth of root crops. It is important to immediately identify the causes of problems and take preventative measures.

Possible diseases of radish:

  • Powdery mildew - determined by plaque on the stems and leaves. Radish is treated with a 0.5% solution of soda and soap concentrate.
  • Blackleg - the shape and color of the leaves changes. The plant is sprayed with onion tincture, 20 g of husk per liter of water.
  • White rust - the aerial part of the plant dries and becomes white coated. Treat with preparations containing copper.

A cruciferous flea is of particular danger to radishes; it can destroy a plant at the very first seedlings. The plant is also threatened by cabbage moths and garden scoops.

Pest Control:

  • place vessels with kerosene or sheets of plywood greased with glue between plants;
  • spray with a solution of ash mixed with laundry soap (2 cups of ash and 50 g of ground soap in a bucket of water);
  • handle tobacco dust with lime.

Self-made preventive measures can not always help, in advanced cases, you will have to use chemicals.

Radish is an unpretentious cold-resistant plant, which is grown without much effort in open ground, in greenhouses and even at home. Using the tips and advice on planting and care, you are sure to get a rich and healthy harvest.

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