The leaves of a room lemon turn yellow: why is this happening and what should I do?

Lemon is an exotic tree from the citrus family that has long been loved by connoisseurs of home plants. In general, lemon is quite unpretentious, but sometimes its owners are faced with the problem of yellowing of leaves. How to avoid a similar pathological condition of a lemon tree and what to do if the leaves are already yellow, than we will explain in detail in the article.

Why does this happen with a houseplant and what to do?

Yellow leaves around the edges

Lemon leaves may turn yellow at the edges and curl due to sudden changes in room temperature. In the same way, citrus reacts to drafts. Therefore, the pot with the tree should not be placed near the window or door. You also need to protect the lemon from possible temperature jumps, especially at the beginning or at the end of the heating season.

Tips only

With similar symptoms, owners of lemon trees are often found in the heating season. High temperature combined with dry air leads to disastrous consequences for the plant. If possible, the temperature should be adjusted to a comfortable one for lemon - this is approximately +25 degrees and equip the room with a humidifier. Shriveled ends can be trimmed carefully.

On them appear discolored speckles and spots

Small yellow specks and spots can appear due to several reasons:

  • The plant is affected by ticks.
  • The tree was attacked by scale insects.
  • Developing diseases.
  • The lack of trace elements.

In each case, apply their own methods of helping lemon. If the plant was attacked by pests, you should resort to the use of insecticidal drugs. Fungal diseases require transplantation and treatment with fungicides. The micronutrient deficiency can be made up by regular application of special top dressings.

Violation of the conditions of detention

Attention! The cause of yellowing of the leaves of the plant may be a violation of the rules of care and the conditions of indoor lemon.
  1. Adequate intake of nutrients is very important for citrus fruits. Lemon leaves may turn yellow due to a lack of nitrogen. The situation can be corrected by the course of applying nitrogen-containing fertilizing.
  2. Also, leaves can acquire a yellow tint at the base due to excessive soil moisture. The root system begins to rot. To return the tree to a healthy appearance, it is necessary to transplant it into fresh soil and adjust the watering regime. A lack of water is also detrimental to the plant. A regular lack of moisture is manifested in the yellowing of the edges of the leaves.
  3. Lemon is a thermophilic plant. The optimum temperature for its content is +24 +29 degrees. If the indicator falls below +10 degrees, the plant painfully reacts with yellowing or even dropping foliage.
  4. Excess light - and direct sunlight on the leaves, can lead to their yellowing. A tree that spent a long time in direct sunlight feels extremely uncomfortable due to the formation of micro-burns, similar to yellow spots. The plant is able to cope with the problem on its own if it is placed in a shaded place on time. Remaining in conditions of excessive illumination, the lemon will completely discard the foliage and die.


Most often, citrus is attacked:

  • spider mite;
  • scale insects;
  • aphids;
  • whiteflies and worms.

Insects attack the leaves of the plant, as a result of which they fade, turn yellow and dry. If measures are not taken in time, the plant may die.

Insecticides are used to combat harmful insects. The exception is the spider mite. The insidious attack of this insect lies in the fact that insecticides do not act on it. Means of a narrower spectrum of action should be chosen, for example, a solution of sulfur and mineral oil. Sprays with these components in the composition are absolutely safe both for the plant and for humans.


  1. Yellow and brown spots may indicate that the plant is suffering from a disease of a fungal or bacterial nature. Most diseases of this kind require emergency measures for transplantation and treatment with fungicidal preparations.
  2. An incurable lemon disease with the first signs in the form of small spots on the leaves is cancer. When it is detected, the plant must be disposed of immediately.
  3. Root rot - destroys the root system of a lemon, gradually killing it. The main cause of the disease is improperly prepared for planting soil.

Leaflets changed color at the base

Illiterate organized drainage leads to stagnation of water in a tub with lemon. The soil begins to rot, intoxication of the plant occurs, and the leaves at the base begin to turn yellow. There is only one way to improve the situation - by transplanting the plant into a new container filled with nutrient soil and with proper drainage.

Yellowed greens fall

Consider why the lemon discards yellowed leaves and what to do in this case.

  1. Lemon does not like when his tub is often moved. The plant is stressed and responds with yellowing and dropping leaves. We must try not to move the tree from place to place without emergency.
  2. A sufficient amount of sunlight and a long daylight hours are prerequisites for the successful cultivation of lemon. It is in such conditions that it grows in the wild.
  3. At home, to compensate for the lack of light in the summer, you can put a tub of lemon on the balcony or in the garden, but in winter you have to resort to using additional lighting using special fitolamps.
  4. Excess or lack of moisture leads to pathological conditions of the root system, which begins to desperately fight for its life and there are already not enough resources for the aboveground part. As a result, there are problems with the leaves.

    The lack of moisture can be adjusted by adjusting the irrigation mode. But it is quite difficult to deal with the results of excessive moisture, as decay processes begin to develop in the soil. Only an emergency transplant of a lemon tree into a new container with the removal of all affected parts of the rhizome can save the situation.

  5. If a lemon has not received enough moisture for a long time, then it is unlikely to be delighted with a sudden resumption of watering, all the more plentiful. The plant will experience stress, its leaves will turn yellow and begin to fall off en masse.
  6. Dry air is an extremely inappropriate atmosphere for lemon content. The high temperature, multiplied by the dryness of the air, significantly increases the likelihood of infection of the tree with a spider mite. To prevent yellowing and falling of leaves, do not place citrus near heating radiators. It is also necessary to carefully ensure that the air in the room is sufficiently humid.
  7. Watering with cold water leads to irreversible damage to the root system. Regularly receiving a portion of ice moisture, it can partially die out. The leaves will also suffer. Watering should always be carried out with water at room temperature, if the plant has already suffered, only a transplant will save it from its final death.
  8. To a temperature exceeding +31 degrees, the lemon most often responds with intense yellowing of the leaves. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, the temperature in the room where it grows should not exceed +29 degrees. If possible, this indicator should be adjusted. Regular ventilation can help with this. The main thing is to prevent exposure to drafts on the lemon.
  9. Foliage problems may be due to lack of nutrients. It is necessary to regularly apply special complex top dressings for plants from the citrus family in the soil at the exact dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Keeping lemon at home is quite simple, if you follow all the necessary recommendations for care. The timely noticed and correctly diagnosed problem with the leaves of the tree is in most cases solved by adjusting the conditions of detention.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about why the leaves of a lemon turn yellow and fall off:

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