Upholstered furniture for a modern living room - a kaleidoscope of ideas

In any dwelling, the living room is the center of concentration of the whole family, a place for relaxing, receiving guests, gatherings with friends or secluded evenings with a book. And for all the options for spending time, a multifunctional room should be ready. And arranging a living room with upholstered furniture in this case becomes a paramount task for the owners of an apartment or a private house. As a rule, when decorating a living room, finishing and thinking over a decor, we roughly imagine what the furniture of a room should be, including a soft zone. But sometimes the furniture is acquired in the finished interior of the living room. Depending on the situation and the possibility of a choice, the owners will have different rooms.

What you need to consider when choosing upholstered furniture for the living room:

  • how many people live permanently in a home or apartment (not only the number and capacity of furniture will depend on this, but also the choice of models, options for modifications);
  • how intensively the furniture will be used (living room in a city apartment, where the family constantly lives or a common room in a country house, where the family only happens in the summer - they require a different approach when evaluating a good choice of furniture);
  • how households usually spend time in a common room - watch TV or talk with their families, read alone or play board games together (this will determine not only the number and arrangement of furniture, but also the choice of models);
  • whether the upholstered furniture of the living room will be used as a sleeping place all the time, during the nights of guests or in the household there will be separate guest rooms, and the furniture will be used exclusively for seating (the choice of material and design of the frame, the presence of sliding mechanisms will depend on this);
  • whether there are small children and pets in the house (in this case, special attention will be paid to the choice of upholstery material and the possibility of caring for surfaces);
  • whether the living room is a separate room or connected to other functional segments of the dwelling (dining room, kitchen, study or library);
  • the size of the room itself, the number of windows and doorways, the presence of a fireplace and other structures that affect the location of furniture and the amount of free space;
  • stylistic, color and texture decisions made during the design of the living room.

The choice of upholstered furniture is a pleasant finishing touch in the complex of repair work and room decoration. But this process is as interesting as responsible. The assortment of upholstered furniture these days can confuse even homeowners who quite clearly imagine the appearance and characteristics of a future purchase, and what can we say about buyers who are going to make a choice on the basis of “like - not like”. Before you go shopping, be inspired by design ideas and useful observations presented in an extensive photo collection of variations of upholstered furniture for the living room or hall.

Upholstered furniture as a way of zoning the room

If your living room combines several functional segments in one spacious room, then it would be logical to assume that the living area will be allocated mainly by furniture. More recently, our compatriots did not suggest another option for the location of the main item of upholstered furniture in the living room - the sofa, in no other place than one of the walls of the room. While in foreign design projects, the installation of a sofa against the wall was mainly found in rooms that could not boast of a large quadrature. In such rooms, the arrangement of furniture was supposed to save as much as possible of usable space. But if we are talking about a spacious room, in which, in addition to the living room, there is a kitchen and a dining room, in this case the furniture acts as a zoning element, outlining the conditional boundaries of the recreation area.

A great opportunity to not only mark the boundaries of the living room as part of a multifunctional room, but also provide a large number of comfortable seating - the installation of a corner sofa in an open-plan room.

Sometimes in the living room are areas such as an office or library. It happens that in the common room there is a creative workshop of one of the family members. In this case, upholstered furniture also performs several functions, one of which is the designation of the invisible boundaries of the recreation area.

Color choices when choosing upholstered furniture is not an easy dilemma

Depending on the stylistic direction and the selected color scheme of the living room, the choice of shades for the execution of upholstered furniture is also carried out. But each homeowner decides for himself whether he wants to highlight a recreation area by installing bright or contrasting furnishings or opt for a neutral color that matches the general mood of the interior.

Furniture with upholstery in various shades of gray will be relevant for a long time and will harmoniously fit into almost any interior. You will not need to purchase new pieces of furniture or change the upholstery if you decide to change the style and image of the living room by changing the decoration and decoration. Not for nothing that gray is considered the most neutral of the entire palette of colors.

Different shades of beige have almost the same universal properties from the point of view of combinatorics with a color palette of decoration and room decor. Light beige harmoniously integrates into many stylistic directions in the design of the living room.

Snow-white furniture - a clean image of a recreation area

White color will always be on the list of favorites among homeowners and designers, no matter what color scheme they make - from decoration to furniture and decor. Snow-white furniture not only visually seems larger than its size, but also creates some mood for the holiday, high spirits. In addition, a room with bright furniture looks light, clean and even airy.

To create a truly snow-white look, you can use not only the white tones of the decoration, but also a similar palette for the execution of upholstered furniture. In this image of the living room, the furniture seems to dissolve, becoming an integral part of the snow-white idyll.

Bright accent in the living room - a bold decision when choosing furniture

In the living room, decorated in bright colors, bright furniture will not only look accent, it will become the focal point around which the whole design concept will be built. A colorful shade of upholstery or even a colorful pattern in just one piece of upholstered furniture brings a festive mood to the interior, increasing its degree and uniqueness of design.

Sometimes one piece of upholstered furniture with a truly colorful upholstery color is enough for even a room with the most neutral upholstery to appear in a completely new image. Against the background of the snow-white decoration of the living room, a bright English-style sofa looks luxuriously, becoming not only the focal center of the room, but also the main highlight of the interior.

The spacious living room with a light finish lacks vivid contrasts. It is these accented spots against the background of a neutral color scheme that can become objects of upholstered furniture. For a more harmonious environment, it will not be superfluous to repeat the colorful shades of furniture upholstery in decor items or living room accessories.

Upholstery selection for modern upholstered furniture

The range of upholstery options used by upholstered furniture manufacturers is truly wide. But among the many options we can distinguish the most popular:

  • textiles - jacquard, velor, split, flock, tapestry, linen with an admixture of synthetic threads;
  • leather;
  • synthetic analogues of leather coatings;
  • furniture fur with different pile lengths

Leather upholstery gives the furniture a special chic, adding a bit of brutality to the interior of the room. At the same time, leather upholstery is incredibly practical - it is easy to care for, with proper operation it will last for many years. But, obviously, this kind of upholstery will cost a lot.

Artificial analogues of leather upholstery are several times cheaper than natural material, but at the same time they can look quite respectable. Your furniture with upholstery made of artificial material may look identical to expensive models, provided that the quality of the raw materials and the type of stitching will be at a high level. But it is important to remember that artificial analogues have poor air permeability, simply put - they practically do not breathe, in hot weather it will be uncomfortable to sit on such surfaces. And the lifespan of synthetic leather analogues is certainly shorter than natural material.

Velor upholstery with different pile lengths adds softness and a feeling of warmth and coziness not only to the piece of furniture, but to the whole room decor. Such upholstery can be harmoniously integrated into the interior of various stylistic directions, it all depends on the furniture design and color scheme of the model.

In spacious living rooms with plenty of natural light and snow-white finish on almost all surfaces, a slightly cool atmosphere is often created in which there is a lack of warmth in the atmosphere. You can add coziness not only with the help of a fire in the fireplace (if there is one), but also with the help of long-pile carpeting or upholstered furniture with upholstery from faux short-cut fur. On such a comfortable, roomy and warm sofa, you certainly will not be cold. It is easy to care for such upholstery - it is enough to vacuum the surfaces once a week with a special nozzle for the vacuum cleaner.

Sofa in the living room - a central piece of furniture

It is hard to argue that the sofa occupies a special place in the interior of almost every living room. Often, a sofa becomes the only piece of upholstered furniture in the common room relaxation area. As a rule, in such cases, homeowners opt for corner modification models. Such furniture items are not only spacious, but very often can be laid out in berths, and their internal spaces can serve as storage systems for bedding and additional bedspreads.

Often you can find modular designs of sofas, including corner modifications. Using separate blocks, you can not only transform a roomy area for guests to sleep in, but also easily refresh the living room by rearranging soft and practical modules.

The sofa becomes the focal point of the living room, even with the most neutral gamut of upholstery, if this color is no longer repeated in the decoration or furnishings of the room. Against the background of light finishes, a dark sofa looks very impressive, contrasting. A similar situation is with the so-called color temperature - if the sofa is presented in a cool palette of tones, and the decoration of the room is warm, then the image of the room will turn out to be interesting, rich, unique.

Arrangement of upholstered furniture in a modern living room

Depending on how your family is used to spending time in the living room, two types of layout of the recreation area can be distinguished. With a closed scheme, upholstered furniture is located around a certain island - a coffee table or a large pouffe, which is capable of fulfilling the functions of both a sitting place and a stand. As a result of this arrangement of furniture in the recreation area, it will be convenient for all sitting to communicate, play games or arrange small tea parties in the living room.

When arranging upholstered furniture around the island, it is possible to use a central element, which is partly the subject of upholstered furniture. A padded pouf table with soft upholstery can serve as a stand and act as a seat if there are many guests in the room, a party or reception is taking place.

With an open layout, upholstered furniture is most often located along the walls, usually opposite the video zone. If the living room is most often used as a home theater, or the room is simply not large enough, an open layout will be a good option, and sometimes the only possible one.

The choice of upholstered furniture for various styles of interior living room

Of course, the stylistic decisions made by you or your designer to decorate the living room leave an imprint on the variations of furniture that will make up the soft zone of the room. The harmonious integration of furniture into the existing room design leads to the creation of an attractive and ergonomic living room image. There are a considerable number of models of upholstered furniture that will be relevant in various stylistic directions selected for the design of a common room. Strict forms, a minimum of decor, a neutral color palette are the key to success for homeowners who are not willing to take risks or have defined the role of accents for other interior items.

But there are many restrictions when choosing upholstered furniture when decorating living rooms in one or another stylistic direction. For example, a simple sofa in a minimalist style will not look appropriate in a classic interior, while a complexly decorated piece of furniture with baroque bent legs and carved details will resonate in a common room decorated in the style of a rustic country.

The minimalist atmosphere of the living room involves a strict and concise execution of upholstered furniture. Convenience and comfort come to the fore when choosing furniture for a recreation area in such rooms, leaving behind even a hint of decoration. Simple, even inconspicuous color solutions are ideal for a light palette of the living room, made in a modern interpretation of the minimalism style.

Contemporary style involves a small amount of furniture with an original selection of models. It can be modern design armchairs in the ensemble with a restored sofa made in the last century. Unusual models with an original approach to the design or choice of material, color and texture of the upholstery, but inevitably functional, easy to use and in terms of care.

For a living room in a marine style, as a rule, they choose furniture in bright colors. Large comfortable sofas and spacious armchairs in neutral shades (and most often white) are decorated with pillows with a pronounced marine theme or a slight hint of the colors of the sea wave or blue sky above the water surface.

For the loft style, designers most often advise using upholstered furniture with leather upholstery (natural or artificial is not so important, it all depends on your financial capabilities). The slightly brutal appearance of the furniture with leather upholstery fits most harmoniously into an industrial setting.

For a classic interior, not only luxurious furniture with baroque elements - bent legs and rich decor can be suitable. Traditional sofas and armchairs with simple and strict forms will harmoniously look in a modern living room, creating a neoclassical image.

In the Scandinavian style, everything is simple and concise, and upholstered furniture is no exception. Strict forms, neutral colors of the upholstery - everything is subordinated to maximum convenience and comfort, the decor fades into the background.Very rarely, upholstered furniture appears as a bright accent, for this small interior elements are more suitable - sofa cushions, a small rug, lighting fixtures or additional miniature furniture like a table-stands.

Living room without a sofa - is this possible?

It is not easy, but unique, interesting, but practical. If your living room does not need to arrange an extra bed, if you would like to have more free space and not clutter up a small room with heavy furniture, if you prefer spacious armchairs or light couches, ottomans, then you can do without a traditional piece of upholstered furniture - the sofa.

If the living room cannot boast a large quadrature, you can try using a small sofa-canapes or sofa, a modest-sized ottoman, instead of a traditional sofa. Compact pieces of furniture give lightness to the interior. But at the same time provide household seats. Of course, this option is only suitable for those who do not plan to use the living room as a sleeping room, even in extreme cases.


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