Bathroom Lighting Ideas

Bathroom - multifunctional room. This is not only a place sparingly called a “bathroom”, where you can take a shower or bath. Here you can relax after a hard day's work, and put yourself in order before an important meeting, and, having escaped from household chores, be alone with your thoughts. Therefore, the atmosphere of the bathroom should be appropriate.

  • It’s a good idea to use additional lighting near the mirror

  • At maximum light, the bathroom seems larger

  • Dimmed light on the wall can create an atmosphere of comfort, which is so important for the bathroom

  • A good idea when lighting a bathroom is the symmetrical arrangement of fixtures


In the pursuit of comfort, everything possible is done: expensive tiles and plumbing are purchased, the room is decorated with decorative rugs, shower curtains, shelves. But often an insignificant at first glance detail is not taken into account - lighting in the bathroom. But without the right lighting, any of the above amenities lose their attractiveness and look rather dull and uninteresting.

Lighting in the bathroom: how to choose?

It’s easy to choose the right lighting, you just need to adopt a few simple rules:

First - the bathroom should be lit more than all other rooms. The second condition is security. The lighting device must be located outside the area of ​​the bathtub or shower, and at a height exceeding the height of the arm extended upwards.

Do not allow water to reach the light source. Therefore, the ideal option is ceiling lighting. If there is a need to additionally highlight the area of ​​the mirror, then it is better to place lighting devices on the sides of it. In this case, wall sconces with a closed housing will become most suitable, but the lamps should not be too bright.

When installing lighting in the bathroom, you should always remember about the constant companion of water procedures - humidity - the "best friend" for non-specialized lighting devices. Therefore, experts strongly recommend that you carefully consider the moisture resistance indicators indicated on the packaging of the device from any self-respecting manufacturer. Such an indicator for the bathroom - from four and above.

The number of light sources depends on the area of ​​the room and the height of its ceiling. Based on rule number one, which states that the bathroom is most illuminated, it is easy to guess that the larger the room, the more lighting fixtures should be used.


For lovers of a romantic atmosphere, there are design solutions in the form of floor lighting, which, however, does not exclude the presence of other light sources in the bathroom. Also, fans of non-standard solutions in the interior may be interested in adjustable lighting in the bathroom, which allows you to vary the power of the lamp depending on the purpose of your stay in the bathroom.

Perhaps there are those who consider the issue of lighting in the bathroom insignificant, not worth the time. But this is not entirely true, because correctly selected light can beneficially influence a person’s mood. Even if this effect is limited by the time spent washing hands or brushing teeth.

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