Which guide to choose in Berlin - reviews and overview of 10 excursions

With regard to Berlin, the most diverse epithets are appropriate - cosmopolitan, rebellious, bright and slightly gloomy. Previously, it was divided into two parts, but today again it is a single whole. Excursions in Berlin allow you to touch the historical facts that cover not only Germany, but also many other countries. Of course, it is most convenient and interesting to conduct such an excursion with a guide. In Berlin, there are many people who offer such services. We made a selection of the best Russian-speaking guides in Berlin, based on reviews from tourists.


It turned out in Berlin for family reasons. At first the city seemed gloomy, not emotional and even harsh, but such an opinion is nothing more than a stereotype that has developed among tourists. Maria builds her sightseeing tours in Russian in such a way as to tell and show travelers the most interesting things in one day. When a professional guide is a journalist, it means that the story will be filled with fascinating little-known historical facts.

Feel the character of Berlin
  • The duration of this excursion in Berlin in Russian is 4 hours.
  • The cost of the excursion is 119 € regardless of the number of people in the group (on Christmas holidays the price increases slightly).
  • A group is formed of a maximum of 4 people.

The excursion program allows you to discover the versatility of the German capital and get acquainted with its rebellious spirit. A guided walk around Berlin begins at Alexanderplatz Station. Questions to which you will receive answers during a walking tour in Russian:

  • Where is the oldest square in Berlin;
  • revenge of the Pope of Berlin;
  • the only monument in the city with its own address;
  • which building is called the German Cathedral of St. Peter;
  • Berlin residents regularly collect funds for the maintenance of which building;
  • the place where Hitler planned to organize a runway for German aviation;
  • why the second name of Berlin is Athens on the Spree;
  • where is Mount of Olives;
  • what secrets are hidden behind the inscriptions on the walls of the Reichstag;
  • the place where Adolf Hitler spent the last months before his death;
  • the most romantic place where they kiss 365 days a year.

Finally, the guests will visit the Chocolate Museum, where you can buy souvenirs for memory, visit the museum of the car popular in Germany - Trabant and see the place where events happened in the fall of 1961, which almost began the Third World War.
View all of Mary's excursions


He has been living in Berlin for 17 years, after graduation he could not leave him. Today, in addition to fascinating excursions in Russian for travelers, the guide works as a translator and maintains his own blog about the life of Berlin. Each excursion tour of Andrey is an author's route devoted to a certain subject - the Third Reich or the Cold War. You will see how the city gradually changed, touch the non-tourist capital of Germany.

Old, evening, alternative Berlin!
  • The duration of this excursion in Berlin in Russian is 2.5 hours.
  • The cost is 100 €.
  • A group is formed of a maximum of 8 people.

You will enjoy a fascinating walk through the area of ​​artisans, which is also the oldest in the city. Despite the fact that this part of Berlin is not popular with travelers, it is here that you can fully experience the atmosphere of the golden 20s and visit workshops and galleries where locals and bohemians create.

The program in Russian is planned to visit such places:

  • the waiting room for trains heading to West Berlin, you will learn about the specifics of the work of German border guards, the history of the construction and fall of the Berlin Wall;
  • small courtyards, where there are many shops, cafes, galleries;
  • ancient Jewish cemetery, New Synagogue;
  • Sofia Halls - the place where Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht performed;
  • the ballroom, where swing dancing is still being performed, the first Imperial post office has been preserved.

Last stop is Museum Island.

The route starts at 18-00 near the Friedrichstrasse station.

How Hitler was able to subdue the nation
  • The duration of the tour in Russian is 2.5 hours.
  • The cost of a group tour in Berlin is 100 €.
  • The maximum number of participants is 6 people.
  • The program in Russian is designed for children.

The phenomenon of Adolf Hitler still occupies the minds of scientists, many are wondering - how the whole nation so blindly sided with evil and destruction, why did people obey the system? Hitler’s influence can be traced even in the appearance of the city. Albert Speer blindly carried out all the orders of the Fuhrer, as a result of Berlin subordinate to the monumental, acute-angled architecture.

From the tour you will learn:

  • how the National Socialists came to power in Germany;
  • what the government street in Berlin - Wilhelmstrasse looked like;
  • the place where Adolf Hitler worked and died;
  • what style in architecture sought the architects of the Third Reich;
  • what the ministries headed by Goering and Goebbels looked like.

The hiking trail starts at Hauptbahnhof Station.
View all 6 guided tours


For more than ten years, the guide in Berlin has been living and lovingly gives emotions and knowledge about the city to guests and tourists. Despite the lack of special training for the guide, he prepares for each excursion in Russian professionally. Material is painstakingly selected, only the most memorable facts. The route is full of vivid visual accents and fascinating details. You will visit the metropolitan areas, as well as the suburbs of Berlin. The excursion program can be compiled individually, depending on the wishes of travelers.

Understand Berlin in two hours
  • The duration of the group excursion in Berlin in Russian is 2 hours.
  • Tour price 88 €.
  • The maximum number of participants is 4 people.
  • The program in Russian is designed for children.

To understand Germany’s largest settlement, of course, you need to take a walk through the historical center and find out how the small fishing village turned into the capital of Prussia. The walk begins on Brandenburg Embankment, where the life of artisans was in full swing and trade was booming. Then tourists will find out what unites Berlin and Paris, they will hear legends about the historical quarter of St. Nicholas.

During the walk you will see how the city was transformed during the reign of the Prussian dynasty of the Hohenzollern, hear from the guide the history of the royal castle, Museum Island and the cathedral in Berlin. The Prussian kingdom has made a major contribution to the culture and history of Germany, as you will learn about this during the tour.

Also in the program:

  • little-known biographical facts about Frederick the Great;
  • the history of the construction of the central square;
  • the history of Wilhelmstrasse;
  • Secrets of the Brandenburg Gate.

The walk begins near the metro station Klosterstrasse (line U2).

Kreuzberg - Berlin in all its racy
  • The duration of the tour in Russian is 2 hours.
  • Cost 88 € regardless of the number of tourists.
  • The maximum number of participants is 4 people.
  • The program is quite complicated for children.

Perhaps, Kreuzberg is the most alternative metropolitan area, the fame of which spread far beyond the borders of the country. In the metropolitan press, this part of Berlin is called differently - Montmartre, Istanbul, Amsterdam and Harlem. So, if you want to recharge with a sense of freedom and plunge into the atmosphere of creativity, we go on a trip around the Kreuzberg quarter.

Previously, this quarter was the most dangerous in Berlin, but today it has become the most vivid and memorable, it is multicultural. The program guide planned:

  • visiting the best gastronomic places of Berlin with traditional and international cuisine;
  • inspection of legal and not only metropolitan graffiti;
  • You will have the opportunity to appreciate the original diversity of the architecture of Berlin;
  • You will learn about the shoots of tunnels during the Berlin Wall.

The walk begins from the Moritzplatz Underground Station (line U8).
Learn more about the guide and her excursions

Alexey and Alena

The couple has been living in Berlin since 2008, for more than ten years they have been engaged in professional photography, and besides that they like to communicate with people, get to know each other and give positive emotions.

You will find not just a photo shoot, but a fascinating walk through Berlin, the most vivid moments of which will remain in memory and in photographs.

Photosession in the center of Berlin
  • The duration of the tour is 2 hours.
  • The cost of the tour is 100 €, regardless of the number of tourists.
  • The maximum number of excursion participants is 5 people.
  • The program in Russian is adapted for children.

A fascinating photo walk in the center of Berlin with the opportunity to take professional pictures at the most famous metropolitan sights. After such an excursion you will have warm memories, sincere photos filled with lively emotions.

Tourists can choose the theme of the photo shoot - love story, family or children, you might want to make a portfolio or portrait session. The result is from 60 to 80 photos with full color correction.

The excursion is scheduled to visit:

  • Alexanderplatz square;
  • quarter of St. Nicholas;
  • the cathedral;
  • Museum Island;
  • Brandenburg Gate;
  • The Reichstag;
  • Berlin Wall;
  • Unter der Linden Streets;
  • Potsdamerplatz square.

Finally, tourists will be told - where you can have a tasty meal, try real German beer, which cultural events and shops to visit.
Read all guide reviews


He has been living in Berlin for 15 years and every day this city surprises and delights. Here you can live your whole life and learn new facets of the capital, visit unusual places and discover original facts. Anna ended up in Berlin by accident, and could no longer leave the city, falling in love with its architecture and culture. Deeply imbued with the history of the capital, she is happy to share her feelings and emotions with tourists and is sure that love for the capital of Germany is forever.

Fall in love with Berlin in three hours
  • The duration of the tour in Russian is 3 hours.
  • The cost of the tour is 20 € from each participant of the tour (for children under 9 years old, a walk around the city is free).
  • The maximum number of people in a group is 20.

You will find a fascinating walk with a guide in Russian in Berlin, according to his "business cards". You will learn how the city was born and developed, compare the culture and atmosphere of East and West Berlin and, of course, choose the capital that you like. The capital of Germany hides many secrets and is shrouded in legends, recognizing which, you will understand the difficult, but very interesting character of Berlin.

A tour with a guide begins on Alexanderplatz Square, which is named after the Emperor of the Russian Empire, you will see a television tower, which has long become a symbol of the capital, and stroll along the river through the historical part of the city. You will also have a walk along the boulevard, which Leonid Utesov sang about, the street of the great Friedrich, a visit to the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag.

Important! For a group of more than 10 people, the tour is conducted with headphones. Schedule of the excursion program - every Wednesday and Saturday from 11-00.

First day in Berlin
  • The duration of the tour is 3 hours.
  • The cost of the tour in Russian is 129 €, regardless of the number of tourists.
  • The maximum number of participants is 4 people (possibly a larger number of participants, but with a surcharge of 25 € each).

During the tour you will visit the most interesting historical places in Berlin. The program is organized in chronological order - from the oldest buildings to modern ones. Thus, you can compare the architecture of the capital, stroll along the most picturesque streets and plunge into the urban rhythm of life inherent in only one Berlin.

All the business cards of the city will be in front of you - Museum Island, St. Nicholas Church, Alexanderplatz Square. Cathedral, television tower and Red Town Hall. You will follow the traces of the Second World War, hear from the guide of the story about the work of the Gestapo, look at the Reichstag.

Important! The tour is aimed at tourists who came to Berlin for one or several days. Such a panoramic walk best conveys the atmosphere of the city, as it allows you to visit many attractions and get the most interesting information.

More details about Anna and her walks


The tour will be conducted by a journalist, translator, storyteller and poetess. Tatyana has two higher educations - philological and translation, as well as unforgettable travels in Europe. Thanks to the painstaking work with archival documents and conversations with eyewitnesses of the events, the excursion programs are filled with fascinating, little-known facts and interesting nuances. Berlin is best recognized through a translator, an experienced guide, the architecture and history of the capital.

Riddles and legends of the New Museum
  • The duration of the tour is 1.5 hours.
  • The cost of the tour is 110 €, regardless of the number of tourists.
  • The maximum number of participants is 10 people.
  • The program is adapted for children.

You will meet with the beautiful Nefertiti, you will learn the secrets of archaeologists and about the "Trojan gold" Schliemann. Each exhibit of the museum is shrouded in many amazing stories. For example, why were museum staff in Cairo allowed to take a bust of Nefertiti out of the country? Why does the queen’s sculpture have only one eye and why was the bust of 15 years kept in the museum’s storerooms in Berlin and not publicly displayed? And you will find a fascinating story about the sculpture of a boy from Xanten and unique exhibits found on the Roman-German border. Their age is more than two thousand years.

Important! Entrance to Museum Island is paid and amounts to 35 €, but this price is already included in the price of the tour.

View all offers of Tatyana


He has been living in Berlin for two years, is fond of the history of Germany, is familiar with many locals in the eastern part of Berlin.

A person who is genuinely passionate about the culture and history of the country, the fates of people in Germany, probably knows a lot of interesting facts, wonderful places in the capital, where you should definitely go.

East Berlin - History and Fate
  • The duration of the tour is 3.5 hours.
  • The cost of the tour is 125 € regardless of the number of tourists.
  • The maximum number of participants is 5 people.
  • The program is adapted for children.

Tourists are given the opportunity to visit the most fascinating places in the capital, listen to funny, sad, heroic and tragic historical facts. And also - try a traditional German snack and touch the legendary Berlin Wall and pass through the checkpoint located on the Friedrichstrasse Bahnhof. By the way, it is near the checkpoint that the guided walk begins. The difficult fate of the inhabitants of Berlin is visually narrated by exhibits of the Museum of the German Democratic Republic. In addition, you will walk along the Bezebruck bridge.

Important! The cost of the tour does not include transport costs and the price of the Kattwurst hot dog.

Choose a guide and tour in Berlin

As you can see, the capital of Germany is a multifaceted, diverse, vibrant city with a rich history, culture and heritage. Walking programs and excursions in Berlin by car are very popular and popular among tourists who come here for one or several days. We have offered you the best excursions in Berlin, which offer Russian-speaking guides. Choose and spend time with pleasure in favor.

Many interesting facts about Berlin from the guide in this video


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