What are the aphid habitats? Where and why does this pest come from?

All at least once in their life encountered aphids. She lives everywhere - in the garden, at home, in the garden.

This pest turned its head to everyone, since it only brings harm, destroys plants, all kinds of plantings. She is very prolific and therefore difficult to fight.

Let's look at what it represents, what kind of aphids can be and where it can be found.

Insect habitat, living conditions

Aphid is a very small insect that resembles a bubble. She cleverly moves along the leaves thanks to her long legs. Among these pests, there are both winged and wingless, each of which has its own role. There are a huge number of them in the world - more than four thousand varieties. Most aphids feel comfortable in greenhouse conditions.

These insects always live in colonies, preferably settle on young shoots and leaves. As a result of the damage that they cause, the plant becomes weaker, the leaves curl, and it gradually dies.

You can see that in the neighborhood of the aphid habitats, an anthill is often located, this is due to the fact that the insect secretes a sweet substance that ants like very much. They protect aphids in every possible way, drive away insects dangerous to them, for example: a ladybug, gourds and others.


Check out the photo of the pest on the leaves of plants:

Where and why does it appear?

Many gardeners and gardeners are faced with this harmful pest on their territory. One has only to settle on warm days and aphids spread throughout the territory. Where does it just come from. Let's take a closer look.

In the ground

For winter aphids before the start of winter larvae lays in the roots of trees, in foliage, on the ground, therefore, when spring comes, they hatch and crawl to the surface, spreading along the nearby leaves of trees, shrubs, and so on. She also appears on your carefully grown seedlings, occupies them and they die.

Aphid appears in the ground, descending from the stem of the plant to the roots, where it absorbs and hibernates all winter, and in the spring creeps up and continues its life cycle.

In the garden

During the spring-autumn period, aphids in the garden settle on grasses, seedlings, greens, and with the advent of cold weather and the first frosts, it returns to the ground for wintering.

In the greenhouses

It falls into the greenhouse through the fault of the gardener, who brings the soil into the beds, which did not undergo the necessary treatment for the destruction of pests, including aphids. She can also fly there herself while the airing frames are open. Once there, she will enthusiastically destroy the delicious and juicy tops of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers.

Features of finding an insect on various plants

Depending on where the aphid is, on what culture it sits. For her, it makes no difference which plant to sit on, since they are going indiscriminately. Although there are several species that are legible about which plant or tree to profit from. Let's look at them.

On dill

This culture loves carrot aphids. It appears due to the fact that:

  • wintering, which took place in the immediate vicinity, was successful;
  • the seeds you sow were infected with eggs;
  • nearby lives a large number of ants, which brought them.

Commonwealth with ants is only beneficial for aphids, since in their house it can wait the winter and rush in the spring to fresh shoots of dill.

It is possible to determine that dill was attacked by pests by the following indicators:

  1. the upper shoots have dried up or changed;
  2. sticky traces appeared on the stalk of dill;
  3. many ants run nearby;
  4. the color of the culture is changing.

Also, if you look closely, you will see a horde of these insects.

On cherry

Aphid for wintering lays its larvae on the branches and buds of cherries and cherries. Therefore, if you did not notice them and did not destroy them, then wait in the spring for new guests. Most aphids are harmful to these trees in the spring, as at this time young leaves appear, which they instantly destroy.

When the leaves are roughened, not every individual can bite it, so there is a natural selection - the weaker die of hunger. But until this happens, the pests will have time to damage the given culture, unless of course the appropriate measures are taken in time.

Those trees that she managed to damage may not survive the winter frosts and then they will die.

On the sunflower

This plant also does not pass this pest. They eat leaves and stems, thereby causing irreparable harm to the plant, after which it begins to hurt. Yields are declining and soon they may also die.

On tomatoes

The greenhouse aphid begins its journey with fruit trees, and later, when greenhouse plants grow, they move to them and begin to eat. They like to sit on the wrong side of a leaf of tomatoes.

She does not touch the fruits themselves, but due to the fact that there are many of them, it can cause them other damage. Large tomatoes do not grow, and because of this, productivity decreases.

On a field bindweed

This plant is just a temporary residence, as long as there are no other aphid cultures, it is necessary to eat otherwise it can die. That's why they settle in a bindweed. To get rid of it - you must constantly weed the beds of weed grass.

On viburnum

To survive and continue to exist the insect lays its eggs closer to the kidneys on viburnum in late summer. So they spend the winter. As soon as spring comes and it becomes warm, larvae hatch, which immediately move closer to the young leaves and eat them. As a result, the tree weakens and dies.

On the cabbage

The insect does not lay eggs in the tubers, but in what remains after cutting the heads of cabbage. In the midst of spring, larvae emerge from them and take on their job - the destruction of the future crop. If you do not take appropriate measures, the cabbage will turn yellow and deteriorate; you cannot take such a culture as food.

On a lemon

As soon as you take out your indoor plants for the summer period, so expect trouble - the aphids will settle on them and destroy your plants in the end. The same thing happens with a lemon, it is only necessary to take it out to the street, as winged individuals will love it and begin to eat its leaves.

On prickly pears in Mexico

But not everywhere with this insect is a struggle. For example, in Mexico there is one species of aphid called cochineal. She developed on the prickly pear cactus. From the insect actively breeding on the prickly pear, the Indians made a powder - carmine acid, which acted as a dye. With his help, they made notes on parchment, painted clothes and carpets. To date, this dye is widely used for cosmetic purposes.

On the sink

This variety of the parasite, eating leaves, does not subject them to twisting, but simply densely covers them with a bluish wax coating, which is also detrimental to the whole tree.

Thus, we see that in the world there is a huge amount of aphids, which really loves to eat young shoots, leaves, seedlings that grow on our sites. Therefore, if you notice it at home - immediately resort to the fight against this pest, otherwise you will lose your vegetable and fruit crops.

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