Recommendations to gardeners when it is better to plant radish seeds in open ground

Juicy and tasty radish - a vegetable that tolerates cold well. In order to plant radishes, it is not necessary to allocate a separate plot in the garden.

You can drop it earlier than heat-loving crops. When the time comes to move the seedlings to the ground, the radish will have time to ripen.

The article describes in detail how to choose favorable days for planting, focusing on the lunar calendar, climatic bands of the country and other important aspects.

Why do you need to follow the correct deadlines?

Knowing when to plant radishes on time is very important. The crop quantity, taste and quality of vegetables depend on this. The correct vegetable planting dates will help you extend the "radish" season.

The consequences of improper landing time

If you do not follow the landing rules, then the result of your labors may upset you. Radishes can bear fruit for a short amount of time, and the taste of the vegetable will not be so bright. With the wrong planting time, the taste of radish may differ from the usual one and may not be as colorful as if you planted it at the right time. Therefore, it is important to consider the landing time.

What determines the term for planting radishes in the garden?

The radish planting time is determined by the average daily temperature. Radish is a frost-resistant plant, and can withstand night temperatures up to -6 degrees, but at daytime low temperatures, about +6 degrees, it will rise for a very long time.

Important! The optimal average daily temperature for growing radishes is +20 degrees. It all depends on the region in which you live. Somewhere such air temperature occurs already in March, and somewhere it is lower in May.

What you need to know about auspicious days on the lunar calendar?

Auspicious day is the most successful day on the lunar calendar for planting. On such days, plants are endowed with special properties. If you choose the day of sowing according to the lunar calendar, then even not the best quality seeds can give a good harvest.

Plants planted during the days of the zodiac watermarks will spend less water on irrigation. You need to feed seedlings with fertilizers on the waning moon: in Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces and Capricorn.

If these principles are neglected, then it is possible with a poor harvest or no crop at all.

On what dates of the month is it best to plant seeds?

Early varieties of radishes can be planted already in late March or early April. The sun at this time already shines brightly and warms the air and soil. For radish, these are favorable conditions to grow. More precisely, you can determine when to plant radishes, based on the fact that:

  • at an average daily temperature of +10 seedlings, you will have to wait two to three weeks;
  • at a temperature of +10 to +15 they will appear in seven days;
  • when the temperature is about +20 degrees, the first sprouts will appear already on the third or fourth day.

It is worth paying attention to when the temperature in your region stabilizes. Radish is cold-resistant and quietly withstands soil temperature up to -4 degrees. Hot weather and long daylight hours cause vegetables to quickly appear arrows, and palatability is greatly reduced. A temperature of +24 is critically high for radishes. At this temperature, the plant becomes hot, and it begins to rot.

Attention! Toward the beginning of summer, beginning in mid-May, sowing radishes in hot regions should be stopped. It will be possible to resume sowing already in September, when daylight hours become shorter, and the air temperature drops slightly.

Favorable days for planting radishes in 2019:

January February March April May June July August September October November December
radish1-4, 27-3124-2723-2619-23, 29-3020, 26-28, 311, 23-24, 27-2820-22, 25-26, 3016-18, 21-23, 26-2718-19, 22-2415-16, 20-2216-17, 2413-14, 22-24

What days can be sown in the middle lane (Moscow region), Siberia, in the Far East?

  • In addition to the lunar calendar, you need to focus on the part of the country in which you live. The climate in Siberia will not let you plant radishes earlier than in early May. The average daily temperature in this region in spring is very low. Even a frost-resistant plant like radish can freeze if planted in early spring.
  • In the Far East, radishes can be grown from mid-spring and throughout the summer. But starting from August 15, it is worth sowing radishes only once every two weeks.
  • In the group of central Russia, you can grow radishes from mid-April to mid-September. So you will always have a crispy and juicy vegetable on the table.
  • In the Urals, the radish planting dates are already counted from the twentieth of April. The temperature in this region is higher than in Siberia. It is worth completing the crops at the end of September. The difference in planting time at home, in the greenhouse and in the open ground.

Radish at home can be grown all year round. However, normal room temperature does not suit him. It is better to place the seedlings in a room where the constant temperature is about +18 degrees. The main thing is not to put radishes on the windowsills above the batteries - dry air from radiators can harm the plant.

Important! If you want to grow radishes in the first half of winter, then you need fluorescent lamps. Without additional lighting, you can grow radishes after January 20 if the windows face South. From February 10, if to the North.

You can grow vegetables in the greenhouse from February to April and from August to November.

It is necessary to use greenhouse soil and film in the daytime warm time. In order for the harvest in the greenhouse to be good, it is necessary to provide good ventilation to the plantings.

To plant radish in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil in the fall: add mineral fertilizers. It will be possible to plant radishes when the snow completely melts in the spring. The last sowing is recommended to be done at the end of September. If you follow these recommendations, the radish will delight you all year round. Have a good harvest!

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