All about how to transplant a petunia: features of the procedure and step-by-step instructions

Experienced gardeners know absolutely everything that can be associated with caring for plants. They give a lot of time and effort to grow a beautiful flower. Quite often, flower growers are faced with a variety of growing problems, but they can quickly solve them. Often they start petunias, because they are not particularly picky, but insanely beautiful plants.

At a certain time, you need to transplant the plant so that it continues to grow and bloom. If everything is done correctly, then no problems will be observed. These plants prefer to be cared for and constantly monitor all vital signs.

Briefly about the flower

ATTENTION: Petunia is a perennial or annual plant that belongs to the dicotyledonous class. Only thanks to the observations and discoveries of Jean Baptiste Lamarck did the first name of such a plant appear. Petunia leaves are insanely similar to tobacco leaves, so the plant was once in the center of attention.

A few years later, some more varieties of such a flower were found. It was then that it was decided to create a certain type of plant. Petunia has a weakly branched root system with a shallow bedding in the soil.

The core type has subordinate roots that provide plant nutrition with minerals. Sooner or later, the roots become large enough, which requires special attention. Florists recommend monitoring the state of the root system, because at a certain time it will be necessary to transplant the flower.

When is a transplant necessary?

Often novice growers do not know about all the features of petunia care. They believe that the plant will feel great in any situation. It is necessary to transplant the flower if the first signs of a violation of normal growth appear. It is urgent to transplant a flower if:

  • the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall;
  • the stalk will lose its original appearance;
  • the soil is too dry or, on the contrary, will be saturated with moisture;
  • there will be signs of the disease;
  • the plant will be attacked by pests.

If a person noticed that his petunia begins to wither or lose leaves, flowers, then he should immediately treat the flower, and also transplant it into a new soil.

What you need to know about growing?

If a person wants to grow a beautiful plant, then he should know about all the features of caring for him. A flower will delight for a long time with its beauty the owners of such a miracle. First thing you need to know the exact timing of landing petunias in the ground. In this regard, the most suitable transplant period is the end of February and mid-March.

It is worth noting that seeds and seedlings should be laid out on the soil without digging. If the grower decided to sow the seeds, then you need to thin them out so that they do not get hurt each other (we talked about how to collect petunia seeds at home here, and in this article you will find important facts about the seeds of this plant). Everyone needs to know about important points before planting a petunia. It is necessary to take into account the time for sowing and planting seedlings, as well as the quality of the soil, fertilizing and watering.

For more successful growing petunia seedlings at home, it is worth considering some features, which often include:

  1. lighting;
  2. soil quality;
  3. humidity;
  4. top dressing.

When growing petunias from seeds, planting should begin in Februarybut it is imperative to provide sufficient light. If there is not enough lighting in the room, then more devices should be installed to fix this.

The flowering of petunias begins three months after planting, but still it depends on the variety. Is it possible to transplant a flowering plant? Yes, quite, but you need to do this with extreme caution. If a flower is damaged during transplantation, it may wither or die at all.

Before planting the petunias, it is imperative to prepare a container with special holes, check the soil, expanded clay. You need to prepare a sprayer for the plant and material to cover the seedlings. At the bottom of the potter you need to put expanded clay, a soil mixture, and then moisten the contents.

Next, we will tell you how to plant flower seeds.

Put the seeds in a pot

Given the fact that the seeds of the petunia are quite small, you need to treat with trepidation to planting them in a pot. When planting, you need to use a small mixture of sand to put seeds there. This will also allow more even distribution of seeds throughout the bottom of the pot.

Experts do not recommend sprinkling seeds with soil, because it is better to simply press them into the ground. After the seeds have been planted, cover the containers with dark material. Together, you can use polyethylene or glass. Do not forget that the plant needs to be ventilated.

If everything is done correctly, then the seeds will begin to germinate in a week. To speed up the process of seed germination, you should use a peat tablet. To do this, you need:

  1. pour warm water on peat tablets and wait until they swell;
  2. seeds are placed in the central hole with tweezers;
  3. a tablet with seeds is moderately watered.
IMPORTANT: Not only soil is placed in the potters, but also a peat tablet. In this case, the root system is not damaged, so the use of such a tool will be most effective when growing a beautiful plant.

As soon as the seeds germinate, they must be carefully ventilated and the required temperature fixed at 18 degrees. Fortified flowers need to be carefully transplanted into a larger pot with new soil. Soil before planting seedlings must be prepared. You should warm the soil, and then cool it a little.

Watch a video about planting petunia seeds for seedlings:

Further care

  1. Immediately after transplanting the flower, you need to spray it with a solution of sodium humate. Seeds and seedlings will sprout faster due to this.
  2. Almost every day you need to ventilate the crops and treat them with warm water. Faster seedlings grow when the potter is placed near the glass on the windowsill.
  3. Seedlings need coolness and light, so in this case it will receive all the necessary substances.
  4. Petunias do not need too much land, so you can plant a plant both individually and in bushes.
  5. After the first transplant, a small amount of fertilizer should be added. After a week, you can feed the young sprouts with liquid fertilizers. Before that, after consulting with specialists, choose the right tool for a particular grade. The most important thing is to achieve constant feeding, which will be carried out at approximately the same interval.
  6. It is worth noting that it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature indicators after transplantation. In this period, the plants are most vulnerable, therefore, at the slightest change in temperature, unforeseen consequences can occur. At elevated temperatures, seedlings should be ventilated. If it is too cold, then you need to cover the plant with a cloth or glass.
  7. The soil moisture level should be put in order so that the seedlings are not too curled, and the soil does not dry out.
  8. If the plant takes up a lot of space, then it is worth transplanting it in different containers. It is worth noting that the soil must be fertilized, because otherwise the plant will not grow and bloom quickly.

Watch a video about caring for seedlings of petunias:


Any plant requires special attention. If everything is done correctly, then literally in a short period of time you can achieve a great variety of petunias.

Watch the video: How Many Plants for a Hanging Basket? (October 2024).

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