Propagation of gloxinia leaf and plant care at home

Gloxinia is a flower with large leaves that occurs on the windowsill of each grower. Only the most experienced know everything about the care and propagation of the plant.

Since it is unpretentious, everyone can grow it from a leaf at home - you just need to adhere to the basics and monitor how the plant behaves, then you will succeed, even if you do everything for the first time.

What it is?

Gloxinia is a plant that got its name in honor of the botanist Benjamin Peter Gloxin. Flowers represent tropical grasses and shrubs.that bloom for several years. Homeland can be considered South and Central America. Gloxinia can also be found in Peru, the Andes and in Mexico.

Reference! Another name is Sinningia. It was given in honor of William Sinning, a gardener from Boston University, who devoted himself to the selection and hybridization of home gloxinia.

How to propagate it?

Reproduction can be done in different ways, and which ones, we will consider further.

  • Leafy cuttings. This method is the most convenient and affordable:
    1. The cuttings are cut with a blade or knife, and then dries out within a few minutes.
    2. You need to put it in boiled water and cover it with a plastic bag. You can also immediately plant the cuttings in a substrate, which is a mixture of soil, peat and sphagnum moss.
    3. All this is put in a lit place, but not in the sun.
    4. Every day you need to remove the plant and let it air.
    5. If the edge of the handle has begun to rot, it can be cut to a healthy tissue, and then dried.
    6. It is very simple to prepare the soil mixture for planting - you need to take the earth from under the birch or hazel, dry in the oven for 20 minutes, and then cool.
    7. Then it is planted in pots or glasses, putting drainage from polystyrene foam and expanded clay. This will create a greenhouse effect.
  • Peduncle propagation. It is worth noting that such a method can only be applied to certain types of gloxinia. The process of reproduction is the same as that of leaf cuttings. However, you need to take into account such features:

    1. Cut flower stalks with flowers.
    2. The buds must be removed, and the peduncles put in water.
    3. Roots appear on the peduncle after a month.
    4. The flower stalk of gloxinia can be rooted if the flower is pollinated.
  • Seed propagation.

    1. To grow gloxinia from seeds, you need to make a mixture of soil from turf, leaf, peat soil with a small portion of sand.
    2. Planting seeds is carried out in plastic pots, after which they are scattered on the surface of the soil and covered with a film.
    3. Shoots appear after 14 days.
    4. Every day you need to air them for 30 minutes. Airing time must be increased.
    5. After two leaves appear, you need to pee seedlings in plastic glasses. Thus, the roots will not be damaged by the danger when landing in the ground.
  • Tuber propagation. This method is considered the most inefficient. Healthy tubers need to be cut into pieces, and sprinkled with crushed charcoal and planted in the ground.

Make it a leaf

The reproduction of gloxinia leaf - a responsible occupation. To grow, it is important to choose the most healthy leaf that has no defects.


The step-by-step recipe is as follows:

  1. The leaf is cut from the stalk and divided into parts. The blade must be not only sharp, but also disinfected.
  2. Preparation of suitable soil.
  3. Preparation of sand and coconut.
  4. Before planting leaves in the soil, it must be disinfected with potassium permanganate. Under small leaves put pieces of polystyrene foam, providing good stability.
  5. To create the effect of a greenhouse, a container with sprouts is covered with a bag and daily airing is carried out. When the roots appear, the package can be removed. In spring, the tubers that have formed are planted in pots.

Preparation for growing

In order not to harm gloxinia, you need to root the leaves correctly, which means that you need to cut them very carefully. Use a clerical knife, and after cutting, treat the sheet with potassium permanganate or alcohol at the base.

Such a flower loves nutritious soil, which contains a mass of trace elements. A suitable composition would be turf and leaf land, humus, sand and peat. Everything is selected in equal proportions, and then mixed well. As drainage, pebbles, polystyrene and expanded clay can be used.

You can also purchase the finished mixture in the store.. But it also needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is laid out on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

We pick up a pot

The pot for planting a tuber should have a diameter of 4-6 cm. It is better to grow the plant in a shallow bowl. The height should be such that a drainage layer of 3 cm can be placed on the bottom. A layer of soil should be put on top - the tuber should be covered with soil for good root growth.

Advice! Gloxinia can be grown in a pot of any shape. If it is high, a considerable layer of drainage can be placed at the bottom. Clay or plastic utensils are best suited.


Gloxinia has small leaves, so the area of ​​moisture evaporation is quite large. Until the roots appear, the leaf can remain without turgor. To make life easier for the leaf, it is necessary to create special conditions for it. Small leaflets can be planted whole, and large cut into 2 parts. They take root well and develop well.

You need to take a green leaf and cut it in parts. The cut is shortened, since it does not have to be long. Having planted a fragment in plastic glasses, in a few months you can get a large number of tubers.

When will the sprouts appear?

Using this method of propagation, the appearance of sprouts can be observed after 1 month.

Home Care

When rooting the sheets, they need to be placed edge on the ground. After they can be deepened with a vein end. Moist soil will keep them on their own. Seedlings need to be placed in a warm and bright place..

During dormancy (autumn and winter), the plant should be fed. So next season it will gain a lot of greenery and will delight the eye with beautiful flowers.

Ventilate and moisten the soil from time to that the plant sprouts. Gloxinia does not tolerate the shade and direct rays of the sun.

Water correctly

For watering, soft, melt water is used. Watering is recommended from the pan along the edge of the pot - moisture must not be allowed to enter the center. If this procedure is carried out incorrectly, the flower will begin to rot.

Water to moisten the soil must be warm, regardless of the season. Half an hour after watering, be sure to drain the water from the pan. Between watering you need to dry a lump of land.

Important! If the weather is rainy and cold, the moisture of the plant is reduced. This is due to the fact that the soil dries for a long time, and the roots can rot due to a large amount of moisture.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the reproduction of gloxinia by leaf is the best solution if you want to grow several healthy plants. Following the recommendations, you will be able to increase the number of gloxinia by placing them on the windowsill of your house. You can also distribute sprouts to your relatives and friends - it’s not difficult to take care of gloxinia, which means that everyone will be able to grow such beauty.


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