Exquisite royal geranium - what kind of care does it need at home?

With warming, we often observe the appearance of bright bushes on the balconies. One of the most popular types of indoor plants grown by lovers of flowering greens is geranium.

In this article we will talk about the royal geranium - a leader among his brothers. It truly justifies its name with rich inflorescences and foliage.

The bright colors of the petals of large flowers and the zigzag edges of the leaves distinguish it from other flowers on the windowsill.

Royal geranium (Regal Pelargonium) is a prominent representative of the Geranium family, consisting of more than 400 species. It is also called pelargonium. It is a native of the hot and humid climate of South America.
It can reach a height of 30 to 60 centimeters.

From other species of its family, it differs in the following:

  • accordion leaves, with a dense structure, rough surface, serrations at the edges;
  • gorgeous flowers, the diameter of which reaches up to seven centimeters.

Of course, the main advantage of this houseplant is its flowering. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. The flowers are truly royal, but their life expectancy is an order of magnitude lower than that of ordinary geraniums. If an ordinary geranium blooms from spring to autumn, then the Royal - from spring to mid-summer. The lifespan of flowers varies from 3 to 5 months.

Note! Royal geranium often does not bloom. This is the fault of improper care.

Necessary conditions for pelargonium


From March to August, for the best development of the Royal geranium, an ambient temperature of up to 25 degrees Celsius is suitable. In autumn and winter, you should not allow the temperature to rise above 20 degrees Celsius. The best option is 17-19 degrees Celsius.


This royal lady loves a lot of light. Therefore, it must be placed on the windowsills.

The only exceptions are summer hot days, when direct sunlight can make burns on the leaves.

The best option for lighting on the windowsill, provided that a tree grows near the window, which will partially shade the direct rays of the heavenly luminary.


It should be elevated. Watering should be frequent, regular, moderate. Ideally, you need to water in the morning and in the evening, 50 ml of water per adult plant.


By placing a pot with this flower in a room where drafts often form, you risk losing it. Sudden air currents are very harmful.

How to care for it to bloom: tips for beginners

Caring for the royal pelargonium has its own characteristics, and to achieve its flowering is not always easy, you need to know some nuances. Every spring you need to shape the plant by pruning. At the same time, the topsoil in the pot is replaced with a fresh one, without replanting the plant.

One of the main rules of care for this royal person is the water regime. She hates waterlogging. Overmoistening leads either to illness or death. Water must be defended and kept in the room where the flower is located. This is necessary so that the temperature of the soil and water does not differ.

Attention! Water only on a plate. Watering is prohibited. This will lead to rotting of the trunk and to compaction of the soil.

Peace is needed in the winter months. At first glance, it is not needed. However, this low temperature period is necessary for the nucleation of future buds.

It is important to fertilize our plant in a timely manner. This applies to the flowering period. Mixtures with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are suitable for feeding. They play a decisive role for successful flowering.

If nitrogen predominates in the fertilizing during the formation of buds and flowering, the stems and leaves grow, and the buds become smaller.

Do not keep the flower in a huge pot. Paradoxical as it may be, the flower loves crowding. While the roots will not climb outside, the plant should not be transplanted. And if the time has come for a transplant, choose a pot a couple of centimeters more than the current one.

Bush pruning

In the winter months, for natural reasons, natural lighting becomes dimmer. Because of this, the stalks of geraniums are stretched. The distance between the leaves on the shoot increases. Trimming will help to solve the problem. Pinching will allow you to shape the bush, visually increase the foliage. This must be done before the beginning of spring. From March, the flower will begin to prepare for flowering, form buds.

In the summer months, circumcision is done at will. Dried flowers and leaves, as well as shoots that violate the general configuration, are mainly removed.

Note! Inadequate pruning causes poor flowering.

This type of plant belongs to the fast-growing. Shoots give a fairly large number of buds, but elongated shoots can ruin the desired result. Midsummer and late summers are the most optimal period for trimming oversized shoots.

Proper pruning will allow:

  • to solve the problem of obtaining new cuttings for propagation;
  • provide gorgeous flowers for next year;
  • optimize the development of new shoots;
  • modulate the bush the desired parameters.


Next, you can see the photo of the royal geranium.

Possible problems

As noted above, this the flower is moody. In case of improper care, the owner may encounter the following problems.


Among the most common diseases of pelargonium, the “black leg” is rotting of a plant stem. The disease is caused by frequent excessive watering and low air temperature. As a rule, the affected plant cannot be saved unless the upper cuttings are cut off and transplanted. The soil is also infected. It is unsuitable for reuse.

There are cases of infection with parasites: tick, aphid, whitefly. To get rid of them, you can wipe the underside of the leaves with the infusion of pharmacy chamomile. After a few hours, rinse the solution.

On a note. To get rid of the attack of whiteflies, you need to use medicines such as Bison, Confidor, Actellic or Fufanon.

The fungal disease “rust” can also affect the leaves. In this case, you need to resort to chemical treatment.

Lack of flowering

This problem is very urgent, since many plant this flower precisely because of the chic flower crown. Causes:

  • temperature is below normal (less than 10 degrees Celsius);
  • lack of necessary lighting;
  • too big pot;
  • too fertile land;
  • pruning was not done on time and of poor quality;
  • lack of top dressing or its improper selection.

Foliage changes its natural state

Foliage reflects plant health. If it is yellow, then perhaps not enough light enters the leaves. If the foliage is green, but sluggish, most likely the plant is overflowed.

So, having studied this article, you now know the main points that must be observed when caring for the royal pelargonium at home. She is certainly whimsical, but the beauty of her appearance takes an absolute counterweight.

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Proper care of royal geraniums:

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