Suede shoe shine at home

Suede shoes look rich and beautiful, although it is considered impractical. It requires special care, especially in the cold season, when utilities treat the roads with reagents. No woman is ready to give up a fashion accessory made of natural suede, so it is so important to know how to properly clean suede boots.

Preparation and Precautions

Before you start cleaning, you must determine the material from which your boots are made. For testing, you can drop water on a toe of shoes. If moisture is absorbed - this is a natural material. If a drop of water has slipped, artificial suede is in front of you.

Natural materials require more attention and care than their artificial counterparts. Suede is prone to deformation, as it has the ability to stretch. From dampness, it loses its original appearance and becomes rough.

But the artificial analogue is picky, durable and practical, not to mention the low cost. Despite a number of disadvantages of genuine leather, it passes air well. Thanks to this, the legs do not sweat and breathe, even in the warm season.

When starting to care for suede boots, you must follow these steps.

  • Wipe the surface with a dry cloth (absorbs residual moisture and dust).
  • Dry shoes well. Suede shoes should be dried naturally. Do not use a hair dryer and other heating devices.
  • Dust and dirt deposits can be perfectly removed with a special brush with a soft pile. It is necessary to brush several times over the contaminated areas of boots, and they will be like new! Remember, active circular brush strokes can damage the pile.
  • Glossy areas may be visible in some areas. Comb the hair a little so that the fibers lie in the right direction.
  • During wear, the color of suede may fade. In this case, use special dyes. They not only give brightness to the boots, but also protect from moisture. It is advisable to buy proven funds from well-known manufacturers, as natural suede is very whimsical.

Subject to the rules, cleaning shoes at home is simple and easy!

Effective folk methods against dirt and stains

It is not uncommon for greasy stains, machine oil, reagents, and salt to fall on boots, shoes, or shoes. There are several ways to get rid of them.

IMPORTANT! Pre-test any folk remedy in an inconspicuous area, for example, on the inside. So, you will be sure that you will not harm delicate material.

Starch and ammonia

With small spots, a classic recipe is suitable. For the mixture you will need potato starch and a few drops of ammonia. Mix the ingredients, apply the resulting mixture to the problem area. After drying completely, shake off the starch residues and walk with a soft brush.


Old, greasy stains are easily removed with gasoline. A cotton pad dipped in gasoline gently wipe the stain. Then the affected area is treated with a damp sponge and a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.

ATTENTION! Please note that it is not worth wetting the sponge and the disc. Under the influence of moisture, suede coarsens and loses its appearance.

Milk, baking soda and ammonia

If the shoes get wet and become rough, you can resort to the following remedy. For cooking you will need:

  • Milk - ½ cup.
  • Baking soda - 2 tsp.
  • Ammonia - 2-3 drops.

Mix all the ingredients. Moisten a sponge in the solution and gently wipe the roughened surface. After drying with the usual movements, “comb” the boots, and you can enjoy the result.

Starch and Talc

Fresh oil stains are perfectly removed with the help of starch or talc. To do this, sprinkle them with one of the means and leave for 6 - 7 hours. Then shake off the remnants of the product and brush the surface with a brush.

Ammonia solution

In winter, traces of reagents on suede boots, boots or shoes become one of the problems. An excellent solution to eliminate white plaque is a solution of ammonia.

Mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 5, moisten a foam sponge in the solution and wipe the problem areas. You can improve the result by treating the surface with table vinegar. After all the procedures, pat the shoes with a paper towel.

Soap solution

Soap solution will help in the fight against rough skin. For cooking you will need:

  • Water - 1 cup.
  • Liquid soap - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Ammonia - 6 drops.

Mix all the ingredients, and then use a sponge to apply foam on the shoes. After 5 minutes, remove the remaining soap from the surface with a damp cloth.

In some cases, an eraser or a small piece of foam may help. Glossy places are treated with a crust of rye bread.

Steam cleaning

Some stains and stains can be eliminated with steam. Professional cleaning is carried out with the help of steam generating devices. But not every housewife can afford it. However, the result of steam cleaning at home is no worse.

  1. Clean your shoes from dust and dirt in the ways presented previously.
  2. Put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Hold your shoes over the steam without touching the pan and you will see how the transformation takes place.

At the end of the procedure, comb and smooth the pile with the usual gesture.

Video recommendations

Features of cleaning white suede

Purchasing white suede garments is risky, and cleaning such items should be delicate. Classic methods may not be suitable for light tones. Effective, but gentle methods include the following options.

  • Reagent stains remove glycerol. To do this, just wipe the product with it.
  • Traces of dirt will help remove a solution of soda and milk. In one glass of milk, add half a tablespoon of soda. Using a sponge, thoroughly clean the shoes and let them dry. Residues of soda are easily removed with a paper towel.
  • Toothpaste or toothpaste perfectly remove stubborn traces of dirt. It is enough to rub the paste into the problem place, and then remove the dried residue with a napkin.
  • A solution of ammonia, water and hydrogen peroxide can return a snow-white appearance. Add a teaspoon of alcohol and peroxide to a glass of water. According to the previous scheme, treat the surface.
  • For dry cleaning, talcum powder or starch is used.

Professional Tools

The market is replete with a variety of suede skin care products.

  • Special brush with soft bristles for cleaning suede shoes.
  • Color reducer for suede.
  • Paint for suede in various shades.
  • Water-repellent impregnation.
  • Shoe cleaner from salt and reagents.
  • Cleaning foam for shoes.

With this set, a walk in any weather will be pleasant and carefree!

Video plot

Features of caring for suede shoes

To maintain the original look of suede shoes, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not wash under running water.
  • Do not dry near heating appliances or near a battery.
  • When cleaning material in different shades, use different brushes.
  • Suede boots cannot be folded.
Video tips

Suede boots are a fashion accessory and a favorite item of clothing for many girls. The owner of such shoes should know how to properly care for her, because suede is a moody material. With timely care, the shoes will last for many years to the joy of the owner.


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