All about the magnificent flowering Succulent Mammillaria Seilman

Florists are sensitive to cacti because of their species diversity and unpretentiousness. Mammillaria is a very popular succulent for home maintenance, known for abundant and prolonged flowering. A characteristic feature of mammillaria, which gave the name to the species, are tubercles (or papillae, in lat. ...
  • Types of furniture for TV, designs in the living room

    The drawing room is an important room in any house or apartment. Here people spend a lot of time with the whole family, invite guests or enjoy their vacation. An important element in this room is the TV. It can be installed on various interior items or hung on a wall. The most often chosen high-quality, comfortable furniture for TV in the living room, which can be represented by different shelves, coasters, cabinets or walls, and the choice depends on the preferences of the owners of residential real estate, on their financial capabilities, the style of the room. ...
  • Orchid in the apartment: where is the best place?

    Orchids are magnificent flowers. They are just as capricious. You need to know not only how to care for the acquired beautiful plant, but also where to put the flower in the apartment. In one place, the orchid will feel great and bloom, and in another it will wither and may even die. That is why you should understand and understand where it is better to determine this flower for permanent residence. ...
  • How to properly and beautifully pluck eyebrows at home

    Expressive eyes are the key to success. Makeup helps makeup, makeup and well-groomed eyebrows. I will tell you how to properly and beautifully pluck eyebrows at home. You can pluck and shape eyebrows correctly in a beauty salon, only the procedure is carried out regularly and costs money. ...
  • Milk oak color furniture in the interior, photo options

    When choosing furniture for your country house or city apartment, it is extremely important to pay attention to several points: quality, manufacturer's factory, level of comfort and functionality. These criteria are of great importance, but no less important is the design, or rather, its color scheme. ...
  • Overview of ovens, their pros and cons

    For a good and profitable work of the restaurant business you need good equipment for the preparation of quality dishes. Currently, manufacturers offer their customers a wide selection of electrical household appliances and in particular ovens to facilitate cooking. Recently, an oven is increasingly found in household appliances. ...
  • Ways of decoupage cabinets, popular techniques

    You can learn the basics of decorating furniture at home by performing decoupage cabinet, for example, in the style of Provence. The benefit will be not only financially, but also in the possibility of manufacturing exclusive furniture, using inexpensive materials. What is decoupage Using the special technique of decorating antique objects or decoupage, you can completely change the appearance of the product, make it unique. ...
  • We help the orchid get comfortable in a new place of residence - transplant after purchase

    Each flower is beautiful in its own way. One of the most striking and exotic representatives of the flower world is, of course, an orchid. It attracts us with its fabulous shapes and incredible colors of petals. However, this plant, being from the tropics, requires particularly careful care. After the purchase, many questions arise. ...
  • Kurds: who are they, history, religion, territory of residence

    Kurdistan is located in the southwest of Western Asia. Kurdistan is not a state - it is an ethnographic territory located in 4 different countries: in eastern Turkey, western Iran, northern Iraq and northern Syria. INFORMATION! Today, there are from 20 to 30 million Kurds. In addition, approximately 2 million representatives of this nationality are scattered throughout the states of Europe and America. ...
  • Contemporary bathroom design

    The modern design of the bathroom includes not only plumbing, but also various pieces of furniture, such as pencil cases, hanging cabinets, moydodyr with a huge mirror and all kinds of racks. Of course, if the bathroom room is large, then it is much easier to place all the desired pieces of furniture and sanitary ware, but what if the room is of standard size, namely the standards of ordinary multi-storey buildings? ...
  • Does citrus thin the blood? Useful properties of lemon and recommendations for its use

    In the blood, all changes in the body are always visible. Blood may thicken or, conversely, become too liquid. Lemon is often used to thin the blood. This article will examine in detail whether lemon really helps or vice versa. Is it worth it to use or is it still better to take certain drugs for this. ...
  • Amazing euphorbia - home care instructions, plant photo

    The genus euphorbia (euphorbia) in nature encompasses many plants for every taste: from small miniature, almost dwarf individuals, to tall trees. In appearance, some euphorbia look like cacti. For example, in the milkweed of Ceresiform, single spikes are located on the ribbed shoots, and in milkweed trihedral on the fleshy trunk, short hooks and thorns. ...
  • How to care for terry petunia? Features and photo varieties

    This plant, that is, petunia, has great advantages. Corrugated, rugged and lush petals, low and compact bushes of this plant are the hallmark of this type of petunias. Sometimes these plants reach one meter. The variety of its colors is almost endless. ...
  • Berlin TV tower - one of the symbols of the German capital

    The Berlin TV tower is one of the few buildings in the style of socialist realism that survived after the reunification of Germany. Today it is the most popular attraction in Berlin, which is visited annually by more than a million people. General The Berlin TV Tower is the tallest building in Germany (368 meters and 147 floors) and the fourth tallest structure in Europe. ...
  • Gray color in the interior

    Have you ever wondered how many shades of gray exist? Surely not, because most people tend to think of it as a plain, boring, monotonous color that in no way can decorate the interior. In fact, there are a great many shades that come in the palette of gray: silver, steel, the color of wet asphalt, ashy, smoky, pearl and many others. ...
  • Pest and disease control measures for homemade lemon

    Lemon diseases often affect the leaves of a plant. These can be viral or fungal infections, parasitic insects. As a result of the disease, the leaves lose their color, lighten and become pale, grow more slowly, stick, and sometimes even curl up and die, and if you do not know what to do in each case, you can lose the plant. ...
  • Do not throw bouquets of roses! How to plant a flower if it sprouted in a vase?

    Sometimes it happens that the presented roses in a vase stand for so long and by themselves are so strong that they begin to sprout. Although the roots that have appeared are still weak, many gardeners have a question: "What should I do? Is it possible to grow a whole bush from a sprouted rose?" This article will try to answer all these questions. ...